New assignment! For our next assignment in my illustration class, we are creating either CD covers, book covers, or movie/play posters! I'm so excited, and as the title shows, I've decided to create a play poster for my favorite Shakespearean play "Macbeth." I'm not entirely sure why this play, of all plays, stands out to me the most. Probably because it's all about how unhealthy ambition can be your downfall. I'm super ambitious just so you know. Also, this play as some of the strongest female characters than any of Shakespeare's other plays (unless you count Taming of the Shrew). Lady Macbeth is evil and awesome! She is the true villain and manipulator. Also, the three witches are simply iconic. I love to quote them..."Double, double," "All hail thee Macbeth, thane of Cawdor," etc. It really surprised me, when watching my favorite Harry Potter movie, the Prisoner of Azkaban, that the students sang the witches' poem from Macbeth. Love, love, love! Anyway, so here are some of my sketches and studies for my poster. I really love the idea of ambition being seductive and tempting. In my thumbnails I went back and forth between showing Lady Macbeth tempting and coaxing Macbeth and the witches coaxing him. I decided on the witches, purely because I wanted to show a trio hovering over Macbeth. Here are some thumbs.

I then took very specific reference photos using friends who were sweet enough to pose for me. I came up with this sketch.
I then scanned the sketch in and turned it to line art.
This is a quick value study.
Now for the text. I really do love Garamond, mostly because it's the font used in all of the Harry Potter books.
Color studies and other fonts and placements are on their way!