Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Playing Card Digital Sketches

This is my first attempt at digital painting!  I consider myself computer illiterate at times, so I'm proud of these.  It took me FOREVER to make these, mostly because I was experimenting with techniques in the beginning stages.  I may or may not have a technique sort of down; at least one that'll help me complete 52 playing cards.  Anyway,  here is what I've completed so far.

My attempt at digital painting:

It needs work obviously.  I tried to experiment with modeling versus line work.  I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but it looks like it's getting there, whatever there is.


  1. First one in the top-left is solid. Nice one, Terri.


  2. Thanks! That was the first one, so I spent more time on that one than the others.
